Justin "Robbo" Robertson will remain at the helm of the coaching team for the 2025 season, looking to take the club one step further this year and deliver an elusive premiership after two Grand Final appearances in the last two years.

Alongside Robbo, the coaching team will see some more familiar faces with line coaches Ben Sinclair (forwards), Michael Ladd (midfield) and Chris Jepsen (backline) continuing to build on their work from 2024.
Added to the coaching ranks for the 2025 season will be veteran Aussie Justin "Googs" Moore, who will be joining the lineup as a skills and development coach for those newer to the sport and continue to build the Canadian talent within the club.
The Toronto Dingos will be announcing their pre-season schedule in the coming weeks, which will include dome sessions, group workouts and another pre-season football camp. If you’re interested in joining the Toronto Dingos in 2025 and experiencing the fun and hard-working culture first hand, please contact us: recruiting@torontodingos.com.