Matt Hastas
Player Profile
Year you started with the dingos: 2022
Field Position(s): Forward Pocket / Flank
Preferred Jersey Number: 21
Games Played (end 2022): 7
Goals Scored: 5
How did you hear of the Toronto Dingos?
Through the AFLO website, closest team to where we decided to rent
What Club did you play prior to the Dingos?
Largely played basketball, but growing up in Australia you always dabble in footy. One season with the Heathmont Jets and played for my high school team too
How do you find the cross over, what is difficult/easy?
Having not played for over 10 years, getting used to the running and being tackled was the big change from basketball. I found the AFLO league to be more serious than I thought it would be, which was a nice surprise (expected it to be a bit of a beer league)
What do you like best about the game?
Comradery amongst the team. In regards to gameplay, I personally love assisting goals (even more than kicking them).
What are your favourite things about being a Dingo?
The instant friendships made and the social aspect. Having only recently moved from Australia it was a great way to gain 20+ mates
What is your favourite thing about Toronto?
I love the vintage shopping scene and food. Some cuisines you don't get in Australia which is great for exploring. Having an NBA team doesn't hurt either.
So far, who is your favourite Dingo and why?
Geez tough question. Though I never played with him, Jakey is probably the most inspiring Dingo I have met. I had the pleasure of hearing about how he got into footy on a car ride, and the fact he is still around and eager to help out the team is amazing to see.
Tell us something that none of us know about you!
I was once a contestant on the Australian show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire: Hotseat". Sadly I did not win any money, but the lady in front of me walked off with $50k
What are your goals for this Season?
I would love to build my fitness up enough to help the guys in the midfield get some much needed rest (and goals) in the forward line.
Favourite Quote, TV Show, Movie, Book or Place to Visit?
Quote: I quote a lot of things in my day-to-day... they probably all come from The Simpsons, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Super Troopers or Seinfeld
TV Show: a lot to choose from. If I am going comedy/sitcom it is Seinfeld, serious watch then it would be Breaking Bad
Movie: Toy Story
Book: Sacred Hoops or American Kingpin
Place to Visit: Probably Japan (Tokyo) lived there for a little bit and just love the culture and food.