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Ben Moller

Player Profile

Year you started with the dingos: Maybe 2017, whenever Timmy did

Field Position(s): Back or Forward Pocket - maximize impact not running

Preferred Jersey Number: 7

Games Played (end of 2022): 26

Goals: 4


How did you hear of the Toronto Dingos? 

Australia day event at the old Office

What sport did you play prior to the Dingos? 


How do you find the cross over, what is difficult/easy? 

 I'd played a few games at school and grew up watching it so not hard

What do you like best about the game? 

Getting around the group

What are your favourite things about being a Dingo? 

Good way to build a network in a new city, everyone's a good egg

What is your favourite thing about Toronto? 

Summer vibes

So far, who is your favourite Dingo and why? 

Gauthier, I hope he comes back one day, come back king!

Tell us something that none of us know about you! 

I'm actually not bald, I shave my head for fashion

What are your goals for this Season? 

Win the flag as waterboy

Favourite Quote, TV Show, Movie, Book or Place to Visit? 

"If history repeats itself, I should think we can expect the same thing again"

Australian Flag
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